Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Don´t Worry, I Don´t Have a Sketchy Van and I´m Not Offering Anyone Candy

I´ve recently added a few more activities to my collection here: freelance translating and editing, and a spanking new volunteer job at a pre-k to 4th grade school on the same block as my host family´s house. By a stroke of luck Mayory is friends with the director of the school, so that was a good way in. I went to visit today and to see all the classrooms and meet everyone. The kids are sooo cute and the staff is really friendly. Some of the preschool girls came up to me right away, gave me a hug and started asking me my name, where I´m from, etc. Anyway, my work there will be mostly with the 4 and 5-year-olds. I´ll be keeping an eye on them, playing with them, and in most, if not all, of the classrooms at the school I´ll be helping out with teaching and coaching English. I´m really excited about this job and I start tomorrow! I´ll let you all know how it goes. :)

Sunday, February 03, 2008

What´s Missing from the Superbowl Down Here?

The commercials! The Superbowl is being broadcast here, but it´s being transmitted by one of the local South/Central American Fox networks, so that means no million-dollar-per-second exquisite Superbowl commercials are being shown here. Poo. Everyone knows that´s the best part of the evening. Thus, I´m only watching the game half-heartedly while typing this. I guess the better question is, Why do I even care about the Superbowl/commercials? Answer: the commercials because they´re funny and entertain me, but I really don´t care about either (especially not the Patriots and their ¨dynasty¨). So maybe a channel change is in order...

Other than that, nothing much new here. Rained for about a week straight. That was ¨fun.¨ I bet the Quiteño vegetation couldn´t be more happy. The weekend has been nice weather, and tomorrow I might be taking a trip to Ibarra with my fam. Ibarra is a city about 2 hours north of Quito, and I´ve never been, so that should be intriguing.

Okay, time to really change the channel away from fat guys jumping and falling on each other and skinny guys getting flattened. Tata!